Chai peelo!

Chai peelo!

Years before who would have thought that there will be brands representing tea hawkers (Cutting Specials). Tea memes are famous on internet. People love to join tea lovers community because for them tea is not just a beverage but it becomes a reason to take a break from there busy  working hours.

We all know a bit of "Health ka Gyan" on the internet about not to drink sugar tea on regular basis in a day which is actually correct. But our generation likes to live their life at its fullest & don’t mind to take a chance. 

Let’s get to the Origin of Tea (Chai). Tea was invented by Emperor ShenNung almost 5000 years ago. Yes, the word "Chai" that we pronounce in India was originally came from the word "Cha". But it began its popularity in India in the British era when tea plant origins were found & then established in the tea plantations in Assam. Did you know? that influence of a tea on a body depends on the level of caffeine in it. 

India is now one of the largest tea producers in the world which is even competing foreign countries. Our generation is so much connected to tea. Tea is not just a beverage but it helps people in giving time to each other & getting better with their relations.

Let’s see how our favorite chai became famous there are lot of the examples but I would love to share some of them to you.

Below are some of the funny the scenarios:

When you are want to have a meeting with someone à “Let’s have a tea & talk”

When you are in college canteen with your friend’s tea is your first order à “Ek cutting sab keliye”
Hush Long-lasting working hours. Tea has the power to give a break to your thoughts & start from the beginning.

Having a sip of ginger masala tea on a “Chai ki tapri” (tea shop) while it is raining feels heavenly.
And there are many more……

Infact, let’s talk about my experience, whenever my friends come to see me at home, They be like --> "Boss-- Ek Baar paani nahi bhi dega to chalega Par Chai Pilade"

I need more in my comments guys :)

Chai provides fame:

Chai instincts had made Mrs. Somwati Mahawar a tik-tok user Viral & famous with her famous dialogue in which she says "Hello Frands, Chai Pee-Lo" around the globe. Initially she came into lime light when firstly the Mumbai Police referenced her viral video in a social media tweet including a dialogue "Helmet-pehen-Lo". 

That was used for helmet campaign by mumbai police to avoid road accidents.
The idea was then used by many food companies in their digital campaigns for product promotion. Even many youtube friends thought it’s a great idea for making a video on her for their viewers.

Chai provides Job:  

Tea has also provided job opportunities to the youth of the nation. Young generation ideas & research on tea variations are now influencing the world. Engineer Chai wala from Youtube has become the most "Yewale Amrutalaya" from pune had become a successful brand that earns 12 lakh per month from its two outlets. Yewale has promised to increase job opportunities & support Indian youth. Engineer Chaiwala started by four engineers in patna is a famous tea stall in Patna. Loads of people come to visit this tea flavour from neighbouring states. These engineers started their tea stall right in front of the college gate where they studied engineering. One of them is an experienced automotive manager who use to work 12 hours a day in different states of India. Frustration from unemployment, inspirational idea of starting something new & a feeling being self-dependent finally has led them to the path of success. Nagori Tea from mumbai is also famous for its unique nagour flavour. Bubble tea made with brown sugar Macchi Macchi tea stalls are famous from Taiwan.

Chai boosts economy: 

Originally when tea was invented, it must have been made by just boiling tea leaves in water. Tea leaves had earned its utmost respect in Japan. Japan alone produces 100 of different & unique varieties of tea. Tea in India has been growing in the last 100 years. The mountainous Nilgiris hills from the nigiri district in Tamil-Nadu, Assam, Darjeeling & west Bengal tea plantations are famous worldwide for their quality of tea productions. Iran & Russia are the major importers of tea. Indian Tea exports account 15.7 % of the tea export share in the world. The total tea consumption of the world is 3,000,000 tons a year. In 1990, it was recorded as 2500,000 and it is increasing by 50,000 tons by every 10 years.

Chai provides Health: 

Tea reduces Aging. People from Japan drink 100 types of tea which is the reason for increased life expectancy of Japan. India, Japan & China had already found the health benefits from the varieties of tea. We all know that now a day’s Green tea has become popular in India. Green tea before going to office or Gym has now became a routine in India. Caffeine present in the tea is not good for health. Tea varieties that include low caffeine or does not include caffeine are in high demand in the market. The Rooibos Tea is a tea that has no caffeine, improves immune system & reduces aging.

And finally Chai unites the people of world. Trust me you will feel inspirational now. See this video.


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