Top 10 Best Career Options you can do after 12th

Top 10 Best Career Options you can do after 12th

Hello friends,

Congratulations on your first step of success. In India, completing 12th (Higher Secondary Education) is similar to the second round interview of your career. Because at this point you are pretty much confused about choosing career options that will settle your life.

A little glance to our education system:

The moment after you pass your examination is the moment when you are playing three roles. A role of a student looking for career options & the role of a child pressurized by parents and the role of a friend who wouldn't mind following an entire career for his best friend. I dedicate these blogs to all students, career aspirants, parents, & teachers (I will explain to you at the bottom why teachers).

But I would like you to hold on for a second and think because of guys it's 2020. Everything is getting competitive. Students & Parents need to understand that the overall Indian education is not capable of creating a perfect example of knowledge in front of society. But again some institutions have made education business for their expansion. Our Education system is teaching u in a way where we can only end up searching new jobs

After your 12th exam, it is most important to choose the perfect career of your choice. Here lies the step where you define your destiny. Now, let’s see about some trending career options that according to my perspective are great and should be respected for their success.

1. Digital Marketing:

 It is one of the most trending Courses of 2020. Digital Marketing is the art of promoting your product & services by using certain tools on online platforms. Competition between these days is increasing making it difficult to survive in the market. Anyone who is not using Digital Marketer must be really lucky for his unique products & services. While companies are searching candidates for Digital marketing who can promote & increase market awareness of their services. Digital Marketing is a never-ending job as it is getting just started. Some well-recognized institutions provide in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools that can make you expert in such a way that you will be earning while learning itself. This is a future-oriented job & two to three years in this career and you will be a master in Digital Marketing.

This will turn in a good opportunity for Candidates who completed 12th Higher Secondary school. Digital Marketing Course can be completed within 6 months. There are some well recognized digital marketing institutes that provide in-depth training on Digital Marketing.

2. Data Science & Analytics

Data Science is a science of handling huge amounts of data by using data management skillsets that include data analytics & data programming. Becoming a Data scientist requires rigorous efforts & prior knowledge of programming would come handy. But we are talking about freshers HSC graduates. Before making up your mind, I would like you to give a small insight into Big Data analytics. Data analytics requires statistical, mathematical, & programming skills.
My suggestion for 12th graduates in India. Anyone good in mathematics can apply for this Course. Once you learn these skills you would be able to interpret data secure data & handle it using your programming skills. Python is a vast programming language that is used in Data Science.

3. Cyber Security

The world is getting more digital and advanced & so are the hackers. Hackers & data-thieves try various techniques to access the confidential intellectual property, personal information or financial data from bank users & companies. Cyber-attacks can be dangerous for national security. The number of Cyber-attacks is increasing and to fight the company data theft issues companies hire Cybersecurity personnel who works to protect the information & confidential data for the companies. 

Cyber Security has below different work areas:

  1. Application Security
  2. Disaster recovery
  3. Data Security
  4. Network Security
  5. Disaster recovery
  6. Cloud Security
Looking at the growing ratio of cyber-attacks all around the world I specifically think that it is a never-ending career because in this career there is a lot to explore. As it is said to stop a hacker you need to think like a hacker.

4. App development 

App development is one of the trending jobs that has a unique demand in various companies. Many companies promote and provide their services by creating apps of there specific brands. These apps are easy to reach & benefit companies in improving there reputation in the eyes of customers. Companies need APP developers who can update the app UI interface (app design) and update data regularly which is provided by companies management and other departments. If you learn the app programming & wanted to do freelance then you also have this option. Creating a unique & user-friendly app as per the users is the requirement of today's world.

5. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the most futuristic careers. In Cloud Computing we can use a network of hosted servers to work on your or your companies projects. With the development of modern technologies and an increase in a competitive business, cloud computing has become very important for companies. To understand cloud computing, let's take an example If you want to work on a project but don't have the software in your computer system then you can get online access of a PC to do your work. By using Citrix software you will get an entire virtual desktop view with inbuilt software from different servers on which you can do your projects.

Cloud computing is a system by which one can also :
  1. Access your stored data online.
  2. Play high-end games online with a high internet connection.
  3. Use or rent any application online to work on your specific projects.
Companies are getting there business online. Today Ninety percent of companies use Cloud computing to store their confidential data. Cloud computing engineer looks after the functioning of Cloud computing-related issues of the company.
If you are interested in the Internet or network-based technologies then you can choose this as a career.

6. AI & Machine Learning

AI(Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine to learn from human beings & replicate the same process. These machines are programmed to learn & record user behavior and use the same process on its own. Face recognition & self-driven cars & industrial robots are examples of AI & machine learning. Machines have become self-aware & know how to work in different situations. The famous movie Terminator is made upon AI & machine learning. Mobile games are part of AI. These are the futuristic course that requires your analytical & programming skills for getting the job done. May companies use robotic machines in their factory. Car companies have machines to lift cars' bodies in their workshops. 

7. Management Courses

Business Management is very important for companies to grow along with the increasing market competition. Business managers use different strategies by analyzing the current market situations. There are areas like human resource management, product marketing & project handling & account management & sales management where the importance of Management courses can be seen. MBA[Master in Business Administration] & DPM [Diploma in management] can be done by the courses. 

Career path after 12th can be like, you can do BMS & then you can choose your specialization.
 You can below options to do post-graduate specialization in MBA as below:
  1. Sales Management.
  2. Human Resource Management.
  3. Finance.
  4. Operations.
  5. Supply Chain Management.
Please note that you should do a full-time MBA from a recognized university. Because a lot of educational institutions provide talk about placements after MBA programs but very few offer genuine jobs. 

8. Chartered Accountant

If you are good in accounts, math, book-keeping & you are from commerce stream then you have the option to go for CA. CA exams are difficult to crack because you need in-depth knowledge about the accounting fundamentals. Many people are not able to crack the exams till there the third attempt because they think that because it is in so demand & highest paying job we can do it too. So think upon it before putting your years & money on stake. Many classes train for CA that can help you crack the exams easily but again the self-motivation is always important. If you ask me Job Opportunities are always available & it is one of the highest paying jobs in India but deep efforts are required to pass the exams.

9. Animation

Animation Industry is booming in the world. You must have seen popular animation movie Frozen right? In India Chotta-Bheem, Doremon, Pikachu are famous cartoon characters. But the real hard work behind these is done by the animators. Animation companies also get projects from companies for creating animation & advertisement. If you do an animation course from a recognized university then you can earn a good amount of money. You can also take freelance projects from different companies. There are many job opportunities like a flash animator, stop motion, composing artist storyboard artist & mathematical modeler. 

10. Graphic Designer

If you have that creative craziness in drawing, crafting & editing your photos go for this career. Graphic designers are useful in creating/editing/making logo designs for companies. In India, if you see banners around your city, then these banners are also made by a graphic artist. Political parties have there owned graphic designers for political promotions. Nowadays people even love to flaunt their money for a birthday wishing poster. You will learn applications like Photoshop application, Coral draw image & other video editing techniques. You can design your business cards & start taking projects from people. Corporate gifting is becoming a tradition nowadays wherein the company gifts different products to the employees. These gifts have the company logo embedded in it. But the color of the logo according to the product has to be decided by the graphic artist.

To know more about such interesting courses
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