Scope of Artificial Intelligence

Scope of  Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think, learn and act by replicating human intelligence.  Artificial Intelligence has become an important part of our daily life as it is used in a wide area of day-to-day services. AI technology is being developed to reduce human efforts. This process includes acquiring the information, understanding the rules of the received information, rules to define the conclusion and auto-correction. It is the mix attempt of today's technology and human intelligence to make machines smarter than before

 Human brains process certain decisions from the senses like touching, smelling, feeling, hearing and reading. Similarly, in AI, Computer codes are used to help machines, understand the same senses along with human experiences and reasoning to understand and perform things. An artificial intelligence, machine has receptors and sensors, by which they try to analyze and retrieve data from the surroundings, solve or anticipate problems by self-learning. These machines follow an algorithm from which they learn to adapt to changing situations, develop decision making and problem-solving skills by imitating human thoughts smartly.

With Artificial Intelligence, a computer or a machine can teach itself how to perform different tasks, like finding abnormalities, analyzing information, receiving input and delivering output.

History of Artificial Intelligence: 

There are some remarkable historical moments in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence.
In 1950, Mr. Alan Turing published an article that speculated the feasibility of creating machines that can think. He created the 'Turing test' in which, if a machine carries out an indistinguishable conversation with a human being then it is passed. But until now, no machine has passed this test. In 1951, which is also known as 'Game Era' because a very first attempt of creating a chess program was made that could compete with humans in playing Chess.

Computer Scientist Mr. John McCarthy

In 1956, a computer scientist named Mr. John McCarthy first used the term 'Artificial Intelligence' at the Dartmouth Conference. This was the time when research centers were opened across the United States to explore AI. In 1959 the research on AI began with the setup of the first MIT AI LAB which is still running deep research on AI technology. In 1960 the first robot was made in General Motors Industrial Assembly line. In 1961, the first ChatBot named 'Eliza' was Invented.
Deep Blue Learning  Chess Board

In 1997, IBM's supercomputer known as 'Deep Blue' beat the won the chess match against the world champion Garry Kasparov which set a new example of machine learning that comes under AI. In 2005, research on AI proved its success with 'Stanley' an autonomous robotic car of Stanford Racing Team won the DARPA Grand Challenge for Racing. In 2011 IBM Watson defeated the two greatest champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.

Types of Artificial Learning: 

There are 4 types of AI - - - >

1. Responsive machines: 

The most common types of AI, computer machines are purely responsive, but they cannot store and use past experiences to make current decisions. Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer that I mentioned above is the perfect example of this type of machine. These types of machines can identify every move and can make their own predictions to beat the opponent. It can make its best optimal move among the possible moves against the opponent. But it doesn’t have any concept to learn from the past and don't have any memory of what happened before. It just looks at the current situation and decides the move. These machines ignore everything before the present. This type of intelligence involves the computer perceiving the world directly and acting on what it sees.

2. Limited memory: 

These machines can look into pasts. Self-driving cars are some of the examples of these types of
Tesla Self-Driving Car
machines. Self-Driving cars analyze their surroundings around the vehicle and learn the movements of other drivers while it is self-driving. Also, it uses past user driving experiences and google maps, data and matches it with the present to complete its journey. When compared to human beings, it cannot handle the years of experiences and a huge amount of information and compile it behind the wheel.

3. Social Involvement: 

We are still trying to figure out how future robots will be understanding people, creatures and objects in the world.  It is a very crucial task for AI teach them the meaning of being social. Machines in the future will be getting more advanced and they need to know the concepts of emotions and thoughts.

4. Self Awareness: 

An AI machine needs to have a conscious mind like us and that is the dream of AI researchers.
Little Sophia -from Hanson Robotics
Human-Robot 'Sophia' made by Hanson Robotics is another accomplishment of AI technology. She Sings karaoke songs respond to questions asked and is the perfect example of what AI could do in the future. She has been interviewed a lot of times by news reporters and she gave all possible answers to them. 'Cheetah' robot made by  MIT looks like an animal with four legs. It can go to dangerous places where humans can't go with its ability to stretch and backflip it has become self-reliable.

Why AI is the Future?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most evolving technology in today's world.  We need to know why Google, Amazon, and IBM are already investing so much money to extend the research of AI to the next level.

Also, as per AI research experts by the year of 2035, a computer will be equally intelligent as human and by the year of 2045, records had projected that computers will be more intelligent than all of the humans combined. Lots of the things in recent past are being replaced by technological advancements from AI. We kept inventing things that enhanced our brain. A Calculator, Remote control devices, Smartphones, Smart TVs, and Chat-bot systems like 'Amazon Alexa', 'Siri' and Google Assistant. With the help of the AI process known as  'Image classification', and 'Image detector' computers and smartphones are now able to detect images at 99% faster in today's world. QR code scanning is part of the same technology. Have you ever seen a message 'Are you a ROBOT?' while you were working on your computer? Google servers use this as a strategy to identify unusual traffic created by some notorious automated web sites. Do you know? That there is one trading company in the U.S. That automated its trading by 85 Percent, which is an automatic process that collects a lot of data and then processes it according to the given algorithm. There is no way a human could do that because so much of information is moving in every millisecond at the speed of light.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Different Sectors:

1. AI in Marketing Sector: 

Artificial intelligence changing many aspects of society. Artificial Intelligence can only learn what you teach it. AI will enhance marketing more effective in finding and attracting new customers. When you train the AI to understand what makes a quality customer it can show you how effective your marketing has been. AI will allow the shops and companies to get more precise about what to market, whom to market, where to market and what to market. It can help you understand what exactly are the needs of the customer by collecting his data in seconds.

2. AI in Management Sector: 

AI is automating every day tasks. It analyzes and processes a huge amount of data that helps a manager or entrepreneur in making his managerial decisions so that he can put the most efficient teams together to gain more profit from the existing market. AI technology can handle basic work like decision making and creating reports and let humans focus on the bigger picture.  AI can also help organizations to know their employees better and to highlight the performers in their company.

3. AI in Industrial Sector: 

There are both benefits and challenges, especially when it comes to Office.
Incorporating AI
technology into the office is like having your army of robotic assistants that can assist and streamline nearly any task. It is possible that it can increase productivity by 300%, which can be a very good impact on your business.

4. AI in the Financial Sector: 

Companies can use AI technology that will create Algorithms to forecast financial growth. AI in Banking sector will help banks to find an individual's credibility if he is eligible for the loans. Millions of transactions are happening in banks daily and that data is efficiently managed by AI.

5. AI in the Health Sector: 

Health Care is one of the most important sector where AI technology will be used for saving lives. With the help of AI technology, it will be much easier for doctors to diagnose a patient. Google AI systems now can predict the current status of a body by performing retinal scanning on there patients. Smart digital watches that provide heartbeat and diabetes information of your body to you. With its ability of image recognition and decision-making ability robotic surgery can be done on a body. Chatbots are also available to serve patients by providing instant information. After scanning a body AI system will be highlighting the affected areas. AI technology is also capable of detecting cancer cells within the patient's body. The AI will become useful for people with amputated limbs as they will be able to communicate with robotic limbs to give the patient more control.

6. AI in the Transport Sector: 

Automated self-driving vehicles with safety measures and cameras all around it replaces a driver which is a result of AI technology. Sensors from the cars try to perceive the things around the vehicle, then it tries to localize, then it takes some GPS Input. With this, all three information, a vehicle plans the route. Tracking devices sensors are the results of AI.

7. AI in Gaming Sector: 

Before using AI in games the developers have been sticking to the basics, but it all is going to change now.
Game Researchers today are incorporating more cutting-edge AI technological advancements into the games. In the future, these tools could result in games, designing themselves with characters that can learn and adapt to the player. It is proven in history, that a robot can defeat a human being in the Games.

8. AI in Defense Sector: 

AI has already taken part in this most hazardous job.

Drones and Bomb defusing robots are the future of this defense sector. Right now they need human intervention for accessing these machines. Whatever their classification, they have succeeded in saving thousands of lives by taking over some of the dangerous jobs in the world.


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