Best 20 Natural Swimming Pools in the world

Best 20 Natural Swimming Pools in the world

Hello readers,

We all love swimming pools. May it be summer or winter there are some people who love to take dive in swimming pools. But it's time for you to know that nature has gifted us with some exotic, picturesque natural pools, surrounded by lush green forests, natural waterfalls & oceanic views.

Today's Post is dedicated to swimming pool lovers from all over the world. No doubt why swimmers are able to maintain there body & they stay fit for there future. Swimming is an activity where you can burn about 500 to 700 calories of your body & lose weight in an hour. Swimming energizes your body and relaxes your mind as you stretch yourself aerobically. Water-resistance is 44 percent higher than air, hence your body gets a perfect workout.

1. Melissani Caves, Greece: 

Our first hidden pool is located in east of Catalonia surrounded with lush green forests. It was first discovered in 1951 & was initially thought as an archaeological discovery. The Hole of the pool was originally opened for people in 1963. The water is cool in the warmer days of summer which attracts the most of the visitors. You can also can hire a boat to visit the small water caves. Indulge with the natures beauty green which lies within Mediterranean region of this world.

2. TO Sua Ocean Trench, Lotofaga, Samoa: 

This hidden pool exists in the middle of the lava ocean field. It is 30 meters wide full of brackish water from the sea. You can directly dive in or use the ladder to dive inside the water. There are dozens of underwater canals & caves that are connected directly to the ocean

3. Jacob's Well, Texas: 

Jacob's well is one of the popular but dangerous pools in the world. It connects to a water stream. It is about 100 feet in depth with a large number of submerged caves underneath it. There are 6000 feet passages beneath the caves & divers had lost their lives before, so it's risky going deep without precaution.

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4. Kabagano Cave pool, Anda Bohol: 

This pool is roughly 25 feet deep. & this depth keeps changing throughout the year. To ger inside the Pool, you can use a ladder or jump from the cave's designated jumping off area of the pool

5. The Grotto Penninsula National park:

Great place to spend the weekends for tourists around the globe. It has become so famous that now reservations are made to limit people to visit within 4 hours. You can enter into the pool using a ladder or jump directly. The beautiful & natural interior of the cave contains limestone & is crafted by the water itself.

6. Fingal's Cave, Staffa Scotland: 

Fingals cave from scotland are the perfect example of naturally carved huge stone caves. It looks more as a symbol of art than a cave for the tourists visiting here from all over the world. Visitors can try swimming in this cave or can enjoy the echoic music of waves against the ceiling of a cave.

7. Cenote Calvera Mexico: 

It looks like a skull that has two big holes from above. You can jump by using a ladder. The water is much deeper here an no local security is provided in case of emergency. 15 to 20 feet below.

8. Grotta Della Poesia Rocca Vecchia Italy. 

It is another place of pristine natural beauty. The water is blue & that has become a famous tourist sport nowadays. This has been a popular spot for Hollywood movie scenes.

9. Hamilton Pool Texas, USA. 

This is another massive but beautiful limestone pool that has attracted tourists daily. The waterfall never stops & the view provides an amazing experience relaxing your body & soul.

10. Ik Kil Senote Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: 

This 1000-year-old pool is in Mexico & is one of the safest natural pools from the rest of the pool. People need to follow the guidelines through the steps for jumping off the cliff

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