How to deal with strangers while making a business?

How to stay alert from fraud business?

 Image by Vitabello from Pixabay

There are times when we meet some people & do business with them for the very first time. But we never know what is going on the other person's head? What are his interests in dealing with you? This is a selfish world where you need to be on alert-mode & to be more confident in dealing with things that matter you most.

1. Ask for ID/or a Government Proof:

Check if the person & the company he belongs to are legit. If a person whom you just met is offering you a business deal then you need to find out if the firm he belongs to is legit, the person's post & if he has the authority to make a deal. Never fill the details & give it to the person in a hurry. In today's world many fraud cases happen. You

2. Know Your Interests:

Suppose you get an insurance call and then the person discusses some policies with you. After finding that you seem convinced he offers you discounts on insurance if you register in the next 15 minutes. What will you do? Think about it?. You hurry up for the discounts & share the details of your credentials along with your documents.  And then after sometime when you research you found a scam of that company. But it is already late. The bottom line is don't rush & give yourself some time to think and know your interests if you want the policy or not. Did you have a thought in your mind of how he got your number before? Na .. think about it.

3. Making an Eye-Contact

It's a management rule to make an eye-contact with the customer in business meetings while explaining a product. If you are the customer then you are finding the business person not making an eye-contact with you. Then it might be possible that he is still hiding something from you. He is just explaining the product with no backup.
But as a customer, I would recommend you should make an eye-contact with a business person and making him feel you believe him but on the inner side of the table, you still have the cards to show.

4. Think Before Saying 'Yes'

If you are having a business conversation with a person don't open the gates of fortune for him easily. The idea is to ask questions to you which you for which you are going to say yes only. There are wits & tactics of making you agree on each condition & to influence you to say "Yes" every time he asks some basic questions to you.

5. False Relation-making agenda

He will try to describe a relationship with you. For instance: He might say "I am like your son" or "I am like your friend". Beware & don't fall for this stuff. It's an alarming situation where you need to explain to him the basics of the deal. Never mix business & relations together which means while doing business we should stay neutral. Imagine if you are running through a tough situation in your life where you are adjusting your fees for your own education. Then after you get certified, if some one from your relations ask you to provide the service for low or free money basis. What are you gonna do in this situation?  Stay focused & make a right decision.

6. Feeling of premium customer

He will make you feel that everything he does he do it for the benefit of you. But you need to be in a standard mode & don't fall for this false impression. They will ask you the only questions for which you will never say no to them. These are the techniques they use to fulfill their demands from us. There is a phrase in hindi, "Sirf humko pata hain ke hum kitne paani me hain".

7. Do your Research

If you are investing money in a company then our primary responsibility is to research  about the overall company reputation in the existing market company information as well as other websites. Cross verify the information of the company discussed in meeting with the one that appears on the internet. Check for reviews & scams if present on the internet.

8. Lawyer's Advise

If you find something fishy while having a business deal then you can always take a lawyer's advice. Lawyers charge a minimal fee but can save you from stepping in the wrong shoe. Big companies have there own 24/7 working lawyers for them. We as an individual can follow their suggestions to be on the safer side. They might suggest you use legal stamp paper against the deal you are going to make. Legal is the [perfect way to approach & invest in a business.

9. Advice from your neighbors/relatives

I would not recommend sharing the details with neighbors or relatives because when it comes to money people forget relations. Only some amount of good & trustworthy people are present in society. Trust depends on the bonding between you & your neighbors. There ideas & perspective may differ from yours. You can get a better idea if you share the issues with them & they might help you as well.

10. Master from your past

We should learn from our pasts, remembering past experiences whether they are good or bad because that knowledge can be related to present situations which can help in making correct decisions. Preserve your current experiences for your prosperous future arrangements. There are situations in life when you trust some people blindly & the person cheats on you. I personally tell you for money he lost is morals & without morality he is no human being,

We have to stay alert, stay educated for the unexpected situations because we live in a world where we can't even trust our blood relations. No one can harm us, no one can cheat us unless we let them do that to us, 


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