Gardening for Beginners
In today's urban environment, huge buildings, skyscrapers, parking areas, under-construction buildings have acquired major urban land. People in cities are deprived from any visual contact with nature due to urbanization. To get some fresh air, people have to plan & go to some natural park or a resort to spend quality time with nature. But now People in Cities have finally got a solution on this in the form of various type of gardening techniques. Gardening is creating & maintaining a garden full of plants by using proper gardening techniques.
Gardening has become an important means to stay connected with mother nature. Throughout the year specially in monsoon season people from urban cities love to travel & visit picturesque locations. They love to enjoy the lush green trees & valleys. Gardening cannot provide you that experience but it can definitely provide you fresh air, flowers & fruits. Gardening requires a hobby or a dedication because its not easy to grow a plant & take care of it. It has become an economical way of balancing nature by using meaningful & maximum amount of space around your office & home.
Let's find out the types of Gardening.
Horizontal Gardening is the type of Gardening which is done on horizontal surface. For example : In a plot, Terrace, or a balcony.
This is the type of Gardening is done on terrace/roof. To make this garden you need to put on the layers shown in the above picture. All of the layers are easily available in the market. You can also create organic soil & make some fertilizers at home on your own.
This type of gardening requires subsequent amount of time & energy for maintaining the green space. Maintaining a plot is little bit costlier but you can make your own benefits from them. You can make all type of vegetables depending on the climate conditions on this plot by using organic fertilizers and house hold waste mixed with cow dung. You can also buy cow dung online.
Hanging flower pots of the plants on the wall railing structure is called Vertical Gardening. You need to buy pots with hanger and attach them to the grid. It looks beautiful
Decorating your terrace by keeping pots on each step is called steps gardening.
Gardening in Urban Areas
In today's urban environment, huge buildings, skyscrapers, parking areas, under-construction buildings have acquired major urban land. People in cities are deprived from any visual contact with nature due to urbanization. To get some fresh air, people have to plan & go to some natural park or a resort to spend quality time with nature. But now People in Cities have finally got a solution on this in the form of various type of gardening techniques. Gardening is creating & maintaining a garden full of plants by using proper gardening techniques.
Importance of Gardening

Gardening has become an important means to stay connected with mother nature. Throughout the year specially in monsoon season people from urban cities love to travel & visit picturesque locations. They love to enjoy the lush green trees & valleys. Gardening cannot provide you that experience but it can definitely provide you fresh air, flowers & fruits. Gardening requires a hobby or a dedication because its not easy to grow a plant & take care of it. It has become an economical way of balancing nature by using meaningful & maximum amount of space around your office & home.
Let's find out the types of Gardening.
Two Main Types of Gardening
A. Horizontal Gardening
1. Urban Terrace Gardening
This is the type of Gardening is done on terrace/roof. To make this garden you need to put on the layers shown in the above picture. All of the layers are easily available in the market. You can also create organic soil & make some fertilizers at home on your own.
2. Window Gardening:
Window Gardening are common in Cities like Mumbai. You just need to fix a railing outside your window. Then you can buy a pot place the plant in the pot use fertilizers in a proper amount. Ensure if the plant is getting the right amount of sunlight.
3. Plot Gardening:
This type of gardening requires subsequent amount of time & energy for maintaining the green space. Maintaining a plot is little bit costlier but you can make your own benefits from them. You can make all type of vegetables depending on the climate conditions on this plot by using organic fertilizers and house hold waste mixed with cow dung. You can also buy cow dung online.
B. Vertical Gardening
C. Steps Gardening:
D. Grid ledge Gardening.
In this type of gardening you need to create a grid of soil bed & you can grow different types of plants in this grid blocks.
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